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Dr. Sebastian Lobe

Director and Portfolio Manager

Dr. rer. pol. habil. Sebastian Lobe has been working as a Finance Professor since 2004. His career spans positions at universities in Germany, the UK, and the US. Dr. Lobe studies asset pricing, socially responsible investments, value investments, innovative financial products, and corporate finance, mainly from an international perspective. He has published amongst many others in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, a top-four finance journal. He was awarded the best paper at the European Financial Management Association 2015 and the Campus for Finance Research Conference 2013. Additionally, he has won the ACATIS Value Prize 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009 for his research on value strategies. Dr. Lobe also is co-author of a popular corporate finance textbook (Finanzierung, with Jochen Drukarczyk, in German), which has been published in 2015 in its 11th edition. His work with almost sixty publications is widely cited with 813 Google Scholar citations (as of 12/8/21).